
If you haven’t yet, now is the time to choose how you’re going to share your story with the world. There are various self-publishing companies to choose from but Estab Press provides many features that you won’t find anywhere else.
Estab Press offers to Authors and publishers the ability to create Professional Print Books (Paperback and Hardcover) and ebooks. With Estab Press, you can Self-Publish a book and make it available to 60,000+ retailers and Libraries in stores and online through our Global Distribution Network. In addition, Estab Press Authors receive:
* 24/7 customer support
* Online sales reporting
* Free Publishing Tools and Resources
* Affordable Advertising Opportunities
* Discounts with outside experts on publisher services

Some self-publishers simply wish to print a selected number of copies, and don’t wish to enable their Title for Distribution and Author can do that!However, if you’re looking to reach the Masses, Estab Press’s Distribution Network has you covered.