
When you take the time to Write, Edit, and Design a Book, it’s easy to get wrapped up in the to-do list and never stop to think about marketing until a few weeks before your Publication Date. This is a big mistake for self-published authors!
While this is one of the last steps in our Self-Publishing process, we highly suggest that you begin thinking about your marketing strategy during the writing process. Building an Author Platform doesn’t happen overnight. Consider the following tactics for marketing of your book :
Author Website : It’s important to have your own Website when you Publish a book. This lends credibility to your Name as an Author and is a great place for readers to go to learn more about you, your book, your events and more.
If you hope to create an engaged audience over time, a Website is the first step.
Social Media : If you aren’t already on Social Media, then it’s time to look at creating some Social Media Accounts. You don’t have to be active on all Social Media Channels. Pick two or three that you enjoy but make sure you ask yourself, where are My Readers?
If you wrote a Young Adult Novel, you won’t have success Promoting it on LinkedIn. Consider the demographics of each channel before devoting your time and energy to it. Advanced Reader Copies (ARCs) are copies of your book that are printed in advance to generate Buzz for your Book. You can send ARCs to a bookseller to inquire about Stocking copies for the release date or to book reviewers to gain reviews for your book before your Publication Date. ARCs are also used to get endorsements, which can be added to the final cover of your book before printing.
Tip Sheets : A tip sheet can also be referred to as a “sales sheet” or a “one sheet.” This one-page paper contains high level, relevant information about your book, basically your high-level metadata such as the Title, Subtitle, Publisher Detail, Publication Date, etc. You can send this to bookstores alongside an ARC, or to the press when requesting Media.
Author Events : Whether it’s your Book Launch Party or an Author Reading Events, are a great way to connect with Readers in your Community.
Bookstores and Libraries are great options, but you should also think outside the box. What other venues might want to feature your Book?
If you Wrote a Cookbook, perhaps there’s a local winery or brewery where you can pair some of your tasty food with some local beverages. Marketing your book can be fun when you take the time and effort to understand your Audience and provide them with a valuable reason to join your tribe and ultimately purchase your book!

Press Releases on Book
Press releases are similar to news stories in that they may help you gain maximum exposure. The more popular a news outlet is; the more popularity you gain. This is one of the best tools for Author Promotion. Approach these news sources and submit your book proposal emails.
If they enjoy the material, they’ll write an article on your book, which will assist with book promotion. We do press releases according to Author’s Choice.

Book Launch Events

We hope this article on book promotion will be helpful for you. You may reach our team providing your details below: