
FIREWORKS OF HUMOUR – To See a Smile On Every Face Only to Make Human Life a Celebration.


by: Nandanan Nair

ISBN: 9789354462580

Page: 195

PRICE: 330

Category: Humor

Delivery Time: 7-9 Days



About the book

Why I wrote “FIREWORKS OF HUMOUR”? The answer is very simple. Yes, I want to see a smile on every face and humor is my cup of tea. “FIREWORKS OF HUMOUR” is my special tea prepared hot, sweet and spicy for the whole world to enjoy. I am sure that every reader will enjoy it till the colorful finale with glittering little crackers at the end.
So be ready to start reading with a smile please. Just understand the power of laughter which has full potential to make our life a celebration, to live long, happy and contented. Yes, happiness is its first byproduct leaving boredom to vanish into thin air. Yes, you have nothing to lose but boredom. Give me all the boredom in full-pack before start reading my “Fireworks of Humor”. No doubt, your cup of happiness will be full to the brim and there is every chance of overflowing.
Yes, ready… get set and start reading to reach the last page with uninterrupted laughter and rest assured, you will enjoy each and every page of “FIREWORKS OF HUMOR” till the finale at the end. Yes, I guarantee laughter in stomachful. Wish you a Very Happy reading.


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