Informed Decision

The publishing industry’s fastest-growing trend in India is self publishing, which writers find beneficial in every way. The author may have complete control over the publishing and distribution processes by self-publishing with Estab Press .

Self-publishing is the publication of any book by its author without the active involvement of an established/traditional publisher. The author is in control of the entire publication process, including cover design and interior layout, book formats (Paperback/E-book), price-control, global/national distribution, cost-effective marketing strategies, and public relation services.

Estab PressPublishers is a self-publishing company giving you the full authority and complete control on the publication .

It’s simple! You just need to send us a part of your work (via email in a MS Word or PDF format), and after a quick evaluation, someone from the editing team will get back to you, confirming the acceptance or rejection. Then after you send us the complete manuscript, we will start working on editing and cover designing simultaneously, followed by the formatting and printing of the book.

We will be sending emails to maintain regularity and consistency in the flow of communication via written mode so that the clarity is preserved. However, regular mails could be another option if you want, but it will only delay the process. The choice is yours!

Though rejection is solely the editing panel’s decision, the following points would form the basis of it. The manuscript should not

  • Be communal in any way.
  • Be an emulation of some other work.
  • Be sexually explicit.
  • Hurt somebody’s religious or cultural beliefs.